A modern living room, with a red stone fireplace in the centre of the room.

Preparing Your Home for Sale: Maximize Price, Minimize Stress

You’ve decided to sell your home, which is a big decision. As with any big life decision, there are many follow up decisions that need to be made in order for the sale & move to be successful. These follow up decisions can feel very overwhelming, very quickly.

“Where do I start?”, “What do I have to do, and in what order?” and “How do I get the highest price for my home?” are some common questions sellers have.

The good news is we’ve put together a 10-Step Guide to Prepare Your Home for Sale – – for the highest selling price possible.


1.Free at-home Consultation

Your first step is to book our free at-home consultation. We will help you understand the full scope of your project, by assessing your home, providing a written estimate, and then a comprehensive plan & suggested next steps.

Our team at Simply Home Downsizing understands the complexities involved in preparing your home for sale. By choosing a full-service company such as ours, you can minimize the stress of managing multiple service providers. We provide personalized, non-judgmental, friendly support to ensure you feel clear, comfortable, and ready to take your next steps.


2. Deciding What to Keep/Sell/Donate/Toss or Recycle

Once you know what your plan is, it’s time to make some decisions. Often, selling & moving presents an opportunity for us to take stock of what we have, and what we want to keep moving forward. The process of deciding can be challenging. Emotions often run high when working through what to keep, let go of, sell, donate, and recycle.

At Simply Home Downsizing, we use a personalized, proven, and efficient system to help you make these decisions more intentionally, supporting you at every step along the way. We take the pressure off your decision-making and encourage you to make choices that align with how you want to live.

We also coordinate the timely removal of all unwanted items from your home, this includes donations, furniture, garbage, recycling, toxic waste, and electronic waste.

Trust us when we say that the effort and decision-making you do upfront, will positively impact the results at the other end of your home-selling journey – it’s worth it! For tips & tricks read Ready to Declutter Your Home?


3. Conduct an Online Auction for Unwanted Items

When you realize you have items of value that you don’t need or want in your new home, selling them online is a viable option. Online platforms, such as MaxSold enable sellers to showcase their items online for a fixed amount of time. Interested buyers bid on these items until the auction closes. Once closed, the highest bidder “wins” and then pays online. They will then pick up the items at the seller’s home during a one-day “pick-up day”.

As you can imagine, preparing an online auction takes time, effort and expertise. Making time to prepare items to sell is not always a realistic option for sellers, so at Simply Home Downsizing, we do it for you! Our experienced team can manage all aspects of an online auction. From organizing & creating lots, overseeing the online process, pick-up day, to the final follow up. Want to know more? How Online Auctions Can Help


4. Packing for Short-term and Long-term Storage

Once you know what you are keeping, it is time to coordinate packing and storing your items. After determining what items will remain in your home during the staging process, it is time to pack up and store the items that are not needed for staging, but that you wish to keep.

At Simply Home Downsizing we can help you decide, and then coordinate this next step. Whether you are using a storage unit/locker or taking items to friends and family, we can pack, label, and coordinate delivery of your items to the right location.


5. Painting & Repairs

Now that your belongings have been sorted out, it is time to focus on the nuts and bolts of your home.  As a full-service company, Simply Home Downsizing works directly with reliable and trustworthy painting and home repair professionals. We coordinate all aspects of the painting and home repair process, ensuring the work gets done properly and on time.


6. Cleaning and Carpet Steam-Cleaning

To prepare your home for staging, cleaning will be an essential step in the process. At Simply Home Downsizing, we work with a team of cleaning professionals who are thorough, responsible, and conscientious. We coordinate all aspects of the cleaning process, ensuring the work gets done properly and on time.


7. Staging

The next step in your preparation process is staging your home. At Simply Home Downsizing, our team of experts know exactly how to stage your home for the best possible selling outcome. Often, we work with your real estate agent to organize and manage this process.

The goal of staging is to present your home in the most enticing way to potential buyers. This often means moving select items out and bringing other items in that offer potential buyers that, “a-ha, I want to buy this home” moment.

Statistics show that home sales increase significantly when effective staging is used, so even though it can be challenging for some homeowners to agree to the staging choices, trust us when we say we know what works! We are masters at creating the conditions for selling your home at a higher price. How Important is Staging Your Home Before Selling?


8. Pack & Move Remaining Items to Your New Home

Once your home has been sold (and you are thrilled at the high selling price!), you are ready to move to your new home. At Simply Home Downsizing, we pack up all remaining items and move them to your new home.  We can also coordinate the delivery of any items that are being kept in storage to your new home. Consider Hiring a Move Manager


9. Unpack & Organize Your New Home

You’re in your new home which can feel exciting…and a bit overwhelming because there are likely boxes everywhere! Simply Home Downsizing can unpack & organize your new home so that you can enjoy it with less delay and stress.

The benefit of having Simply Home Downsizing coordinate this step is that we already know you and your preferences – what you like, what your priorities are, what you use most/least. This knowledge allows us to be efficient, tactical and responsive to your needs.


10. Remove All Packing Materials

You’ve made it! You are in your new home and you love it. The last thing you want to do is deal with all of the empty boxes and packing material that is left over. Let Simply Home Downsizing take care of this for you! We can quickly remove all of these unnecessary items, freeing up your space so you can enjoy it more fully.


At Simply Home Downsizing, we know how exciting….and overwhelming it is to move. We are here to help you every step of the way and hope that this 10-step guide will help you prepare for a successful home sale and move.


Please Contact Us for a free at-home consultation or to ask any questions. Simply Home Downsizing 416-819-1576

Can Owning Less – Now – Give You More?

The new film Less is Now by the Minimalists is streaming on Netflix and there is so much to unpack!

Of course, there are practical tips and a strong call to action to own less stuff, which are great.

However, it is the reasons behind the tips, strategies, and challenge – the big “why” living with less can help us access more – that is most illuminating.

The now is key, as many of us currently struggle to balance the stuff in our lives, including the physical (most obvious) as well as the digital, mental and emotional.

As a result of Covid, many of us are spending much more time at home, and as such, have become hyperaware of the stuff we have in our homes. In that regard, the timing of this film is perfect as the message is an urgent, “If not now, when”?

As “The Minimalists”, lifelong friends Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus have been sharing inspirational information about minimalism for over ten years through their writing, podcast, live shows, and films.

Their brand of minimalism is very accessible, focusing on how to include more of what you want, need and love into your life, in order to have less of what you don’t want, need or love.

More intention and freedom, less distraction and stress.

Through personal storytelling and reflections, Ryan and Joshua share their individual journeys to minimalism, in which poverty, drive, excess, and pain, play major roles. Less is Now chronicles the personal transformation that both men have made, moving away from “having it all” and feeling unhappy, to having “what adds value” and feeling happier.

An important point to make is that “less” looks different for everyone. The main idea is that less clutter means less distraction from the things you do love and need.

What “less” means is subjective, as some people may own very few items, while others have more but each has a purpose and is an intentional choice.

Deciding what “less” means to you is critical in order to make sense of the insistent messaging we receive about needing more stuff to be happier, more successful, fulfilled, etc.

The marketing message, “you’re inadequate unless you buy xxx” is a powerful force, whether you are conscious of it or not. Creating this never-ending aspiration is a bit like falling into a black hole of consumerism, where the quest for more, more, more is never-ending.

Quite often, more stuff equals more stress, while less stuff leads to more freedom and choice.

If we have the choice to think before we buy, why not choose less?

Their idea? Keep only what adds value, build momentum to get past the cravings, make necessary changes, and ultimately embrace the freedom that comes when choosing clearly.

The final call to action in the film? The 30-Day Minimalism Game, in which you let go of one item on Day One, two items on Day 2, and so on until you let go of 30 things on Day 30. If you complete the challenge, that means letting go of 465 things by Day 30, which is no small feat!

We recommend watching Less is Now…now…as it captures the essence of what it is to live a simpler and more intentional life through the storytelling of the Minimalists, who believe we all need less to have more.

Moving to a smaller space and need to minimize? Have downsizing on your mind? Call us to find out how we can help: 416-819-1576 www.simplyhomeinc.ca

Want to Get…and Stay Organized? Use These 6 Simple Techniques

As we spend more time at home, many of us are anticipating using the time to get, and stay, more organized.

Sounds simple enough – more time at home, more time to organize, right?

Not always so! As much as we want to get organized, there are many obstacles that can get in our way, including time, energy, a clear starting point, and motivation.

However, there are definitely ways to manage these challenges through the adoption of a few key organizing techniques. Try some of these ideas and notice how they affect your organizing progress:

1. Put Things Away As You Go

This may seem so obvious, but many times we don’t put things back after we use them.

In order to carry through on this “simple” task, we must be willing and motivated to make a change in our habits and actions, which take time, effort and focus. Living with other people’s stuff makes this even harder. Picking up items that are not in their proper home, and putting them back, is a small first step to organizing success. With small success comes greater confidence, which leads to success with bigger projects. 2. Daily Timed Tidying Up (adapted from Time-Management-Success)

This technique encourages you to do a little bit of organizing every day using a timer. Set your timer for a certain amount of time, perhaps 10 min to start, and in this time, focus on tidying up or organizing one small category of items (i.e.: all cans in your pantry, all pens on your desk). The key is to use the technique regularly in order to make daily (or weekly/monthly) progress.

3. In with One, Out with One

To effectively manage your physical and mental clutter, you want to eliminate the old when bringing in something new. Whether this means donating your old coat once you buy a new one, consolidating packaged goods into one box when you buy more, or deleting digital files when they’re unnecessary, the key is to do this consistently to decrease clutter, and be better prepared to organize effectively.

4. Touchdown Station

Usually, where we enter and exit our house is a busy zone! One of the best ways to manage this area is to create a drop off/pick-up “Touchdown Station” where essential items (keys, sunglasses, lip balm, etc.) are kept.

Whether you choose to use a basket, box, shelf, or tray, putting your important items in one place makes coming and going more streamlined. The key is to make it functional and easy to use!

5. Limit Your List (adapted from Mark Forster)

If your to-do list continues to get longer, try this technique to help you focus on accomplishing key tasks. After a certain number of tasks (10 is often a good number), draw a line after those items. As more items come up, add them below the line, but do not do them until the items above are complete. Anything above the line that is not completed can be recycled to your next list of 10.

6. Plan Organizing Time

When we don’t plan our organizing efforts, we often react to what is going on around us and start haphazardly putting things away and cleaning up. Although workable, this approach can often lead to feeling stressed out, pressured and guilty.

By scheduling time to organize (daily, weekly, monthly or seasonally), we can prepare ourselves mentally for what is coming and use our time more efficiently.

Whatever you choose to focus on during your scheduled time, break it into small chunks. For example, if your goal is to organize a closet, start with items on the floor, then the hanging ones, followed by all shelf items. Breaking down your organizing actions into smaller steps can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

Taking small steps is key to forming new organizing and decluttering habits. By incorporating these six techniques into your life, you will likely organize more efficiently, accomplish more from your to-do list, and stay motivated to keep making organizing progress. If you would like organizing support, visit: https://simplyhomeinc.ca/ or contact us directly at 416-819-1576. Happy Organizing!

3 Ways to Flourish at Home This Fall

Do you hear the wind rustling? See more yellow, orange and red leaves? Feel the cooler temperature on your skin? Taste the deliciousness of a creamy pumpkin spice latte?

Given that this powerful shift is happening, here are 3 ways to flourish this fall at home!

  1. Mindset Shift – Imagine the Possibilities

Transitions can be exhilarating…and challenging. While they offer us opportunities to grow and learn, transitions also threaten our feelings of safety and security. During these uncertain times, feeling grounded can be especially challenging.

By recognizing and accepting the notion that we are always in a state of transformation, we can use this time to think through how we would like our home to feel, look and function.

Are you feeling guilty about not dealing with the clutter accumulating in your home? Overwhelmed by the options available to organize your space?

Stressed out by all the steps needed to successfully stage and sell your home?

No matter what is causing your frustration, fall is a great time to make a mindset shift and begin to take action. If you need support getting there, we are here to help.

  1. Clothing & Accessories Shift – Decisions Before Storage  

One thing we love about fall is wearing layers. Yoga pants, hoodies over t-shirts, shoes & socks – they all equal comfort! As hard as it can be to let go of the sandals, swimsuits and sunscreen (the last one not so much), the cosiness of fall clothing allows us to shift more easily into the cooler weather.

However, before putting away summer clothes and placing fall clothes front and centre, try to systematically sort both types, letting go of the items that you don’t like, need or wear. Thanks to Marie Kondo for the inspiration behind this technique!

Hold up each item and ask yourself, “Do I like/wear/need the item”?

Trust your gut to reveal the answer and then take action on your decision. Why keep what no longer makes you feel good?!

For fall items, do the same thing, deciding which items to keep front and centre that will make you feel good this fall. Jackets, gloves, hats and scarves get placed near to where you enter/exit your home, making the transition into colder weather a little bit easier.

It is important to enjoy this process, as it gives us a chance to reflect on a summer gone by, and also imagine what new opportunities can emerge this season.

  1. Home Comforts – Form + Function

Indoors and out, your home is where you likely spend a lot of time, especially now. With the emergence of fall, our natural tendency is to stay in bed a little longer, cuddle on the couch more, and create feelings of comfort, safety, and joy.

As we transition into spending more time at home, how can you make your home more functional and enjoyable?

Fall is a great time to commit to creating a home you love to live in. Perhaps a décor switch-up is needed and you can move items around to create the atmosphere you desire. Maybe it’s time to go through your kitchen pantry, tossing old/expired items to make room for healthy autumn fare. Maybe it’s time to create a foyer area that functions masterfully and also makes you and your guests feel welcome.

Organizing your home so that you love to live in it is one of the best ways to move through this fall transition. One way to do this is to do a walkthrough of your home, choosing three spaces you spend the most time in during the fall. Think about three changes you could make in each space that address both form (how it looks and feels) and function (how it works for you and your family). If you’d like help with this process, we can help.

Imagine…the school bell is ringing, and your teacher is calling you into the class of life, asking, “How will you flourish in your home this fall?” What will you say? What will you do? Fall offers many new possibilities – which will you choose to focus on?

If you would like help in envisioning how to flourish this fall, please contact The Simply Home Downsizing Team, we love to help!

Decluttering and downsizing homes in Toronto by professionals Simply Home Inc.

Decluttering and Downsizing During COVID-19

As we continue to face the challenges and uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be considering how you truly feel about your home – the place you are likely spending A LOT of time.

  • Do you feel like it’s time for a major change in how your home functions?
  • Are you considering downsizing or moving to a smaller home?
  • Is it time to declutter and organize your home once and for all?
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed and then guilty about not having done it already?

These are all valid scenarios, and for many of us, this time of uncertainty leads to some uncomfortable emotions connected to our homes and living conditions including guilt, overwhelm, frustration and shame.

How can we shift these emotions in order to feel more inspired, motivated, and brave?

Whether you are crystal clear about how you feel or need more time to think it through, the two scenarios and actions steps below provide actionable steps that can help you move forward.

If You Feel Burdened by The Clutter in Your Home and Want to Take Action

  1. Take a deep breath and acknowledge that this is the reality now, and it can change.
  2. Imagine, in detail, how you would like to feel if changes were to happen in your home. Trust that you can get there.
  3. Declutter: systematically go through the items in your home and decide – will this item serve me in the new chapter of life? Do I need/use/love it? Or as Marie Kondo suggests, “Does it bring me joy?”
  4. Donate: once you decide what is no longer needed or useful, donating them to a local charity, church, school, or business not only extends their life, but helps someone in the community.
  5. Sell: for items that may still hold value, consider selling online. Auctions sites like com or personal sites such as Facebook Marketplace are good options. To note: Selling online takes time and energy so it’s important to know you have both if going this route.
  6. Organize: decide on a system that works for you, your lifestyle, and your space. Place your most used and desired items at eye level, make them easily accessible, maximize vertical space, and use a lot of hooks and hangers.
  7. If this seems too overwhelming, consider hiring professional help, we are here to assist you and to expertly navigate your transition!

If You Are Ready to Downsize and Want to Prepare

  1. Imagine what your new home will look like, feel like and function. What are the major changes you want to make? What is driving this change in your living?
  2. Take a deep breath and acknowledge that this process will take time, resources, energy and your positive attitude. It will get hectic, and then it will be done.
  3. Plan the practicalities of the transition – timeline, support network and professional help.
  4. Declutter your home. This is the time to decide what you would like in your life in your next home. This is the time to let go of unwanted, unused and unloved items, whether you decide to sell or donate them. Doing this work up front helps manage the move and your time at the other end.
  5. Determine whether you will need a storage solution for this transition period. To note, sometimes putting things into storage delays inevitable decisions that need to be made about various items, while also adding to your expenses.
  6. Trust in the process of letting go of belongings and items so that you can move forward with what is important to you now at this stage in life.
  7. If it all seems too much, consider hiring professional help, we are here to help you expertly navigate your transition!

During this pandemic, nothing is “normal” as we know it, which brings about anxiety and unease. If making changes in your home helps alleviate some of this stress, this is your time. These are big decisions to make, and if doing it alone seems too stressful, please reach out to us at Simply Home Downsizing, we are always here to help.

Three things to do before you declutter your home - Decluttering and Organization services from Simply Home in Toronto

Ready to Declutter Your Home? Take These 3 Steps First

Feeling pressured to declutter your home during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Ready to declutter and let go of the things that you no longer need, use or love?

Want to feel lighter and more in control of your belongings?

If you are ready to act, here are three steps to follow BEFORE you start decluttering that will help maximize your efforts, increase your efficiency, and ultimately lead to more success in the process.

To note: While it is important to prepare, it is also important not to let this become the barrier in your decluttering efforts. Don’t get too caught up in the planning! Follow these simple steps and then it’s time to simply begin.

Three Steps Before You Start Decluttering

  1. Know “Why” You’re Decluttering

“Why am I doing this?” and “How do I want to feel afterwards?” are two key questions to ask yourself, as your answers will guide you forward.

Whether you want to feel less burdened by your belongings, have more control of your environment, create more free time, or something else, knowing your motivation for decluttering is a crucial first step.

To determine your “why”, you may want to think about what adds value to your life, as opposed to what depletes and adds stress to it.  You may want to close your eyes and truly envision how your home will look, feel and function when it is decluttered. Visual clarity helps immensely in getting us closer to where we want to be.

Breaking this step down into smaller steps is also helpful. For instance:

  • “I’d like to make healthier meals at home” translates into creating a functional, easy-to-access pantry of healthy items for the whole family.
  • “I’d like to enjoy my living room again” translates into finding a practical home for your kid’s toys that are strewn all over the floor.
  • “I’d like to see my desk” translates into finding a proper system to sort, organize and manage paperwork. Imagining the function and form of each space and working backwards from there will help your decluttering efforts.
  1. Develop a Decluttering Plan: How, When, Where, Who

Once you know why you want to declutter and know how you want to feel, you need a plan to help you stay on track. You will want to think through the how, when, where and who of your decluttering plan.


There are so many different decluttering strategies to choose from and picking which one works best depends on your personality, work style, time availability and goals. You can declutter by type of item (all winter clothing in your house, all memorabilia, etc.) or declutter room by room. This is when you can also decide if you are decluttering on your own, with family or friends, or with professional help.


Depending on how much time you have, you may spend a few hours every day for a week, commit 1-2 full days to get it all done, or do a combination of the two. You may find once you get started, you won’t want to stop! Again, there is no one size fits all. Know yourself and your abilities. Adding decluttering to your calendar will help make it a priority and help you avoid the “it’s not the right time” way of thinking.


This may seem obvious, but it is important to make space for your keep, toss, donate, recycle, and action items, as visually seeing what you have all laid out helps in decision-making. Once you are done decluttering, move items out of sight to avoid second-guessing yourself. Quickly box or bag unwanted items and move them out of your house to avoid any lingering. Keeping a permanent donate box, bin or bag that is easily accessible makes it easy to add unwanted items at any time. Once it’s full, away it goes


Determining who will want your unwanted items is important to consider during your decluttering. It saves time and possible frustration at the end.

  • Donating: think about which donation centres accept what you have and when you can take items there.
  • Selling: think about where you will sell items and if it is really worth your time.
  • Returning: pack up items and put them in your car or wherever you keep shopping items. After all your hard work, you do not want a pile of unwanted items cluttering up your home.

Setting realistic expectations while developing your decluttering plan is key. This will help you stay motivated to complete the work!  Usually certain areas of a home are easier to declutter than others. For instance, closets and kitchens are normally faster and easier than mementos and books.  Bathroom items are usually easier than paperwork. Knowing that it often takes longer than we think to declutter and organize effectively, leave yourself enough time and energy to do it well. Decluttering is more of a marathon than a sprint, so stay realistic and don’t forget to celebrate your wins.

  1. Prepare your decluttering supplies

You don’t need too many supplies to declutter. But having these essential items will help make the process easier and more efficient:

  • Big bags for trash, recycling and soft donate items
  • Boxes for hard donate items
  • Clear bins with lids of varying sizes for organizing items you are keeping
  • Green tape and a marker to label your bins and boxes
  • Stay hydrated, enjoy yummy snacks, listen to motivating music and enjoy the process

Following these three steps before you begin to declutter will help you declutter quickly, efficiently and effectively.

If it all seems too much, call Simply Home Downsizing at 416-819-1576. We offer services for decluttering, estate clearing, staging and more.


10 Ways to Reduce Paper Clutter in Your Home

Do you ever feel like you are drowning in paper? Are there bills, receipts, reminders, invitations, coupons, statements, flyers, and cards cluttering up your space, causing overwhelm and stress?

Paper clutter occurs easily unless we create systems for managing it on a regular basis. As tax time is upon us, let’s not forget how important it is to plan ahead to avoid paper overwhelm – see tip # 10!

The good news is managing paper clutter is achievable and below are ten ways to effectively organize and store the paper items you need and get rid of the paper items you don’t.

  1. Go Paperless with Statements and Bills

The best way to have less paper is to not let it enter your home in the first place! Going paperless is an important first step in decluttering paper. Transfer all your bills, statements and payments online. Even better, pay everything online, which helps timeliness and budgeting. The bonus of this is you will no longer need envelopes and stamps or trips to the mailbox.

  1. Purge your Paper

To begin, gather up ALL the paper in your home. Look in wallets, purses, bags, boxes, drawers, closets, cabinets and cars. Next, sort all papers into four piles: Recycle, Scan, Shred, or Save. Scan important tax, medical files, insurance and property documents onto your computer for safekeeping or create a file folder for key pieces of information. For memorabilia items (photos, cards, tickets stubs, etc.), put them into a labelled clear box/bin and then recycle or shred everything else.

  1. Recycle your Magazines and Newspapers

How many old magazines and newspapers are taking up space in your home waiting for that “one day” when you’ll re-read them? As this is an unlikely scenario, it may be time to recycle or donate them to a good cause. Artists and teachers often like magazines with pictures for their projects – the key is to get them out of your home soon to avoid any lingering donate piles! While you’re at it, unsubscribe from all the magazines you’re no longer interested in.

  1. Create a Filing System

There as many different filing systems to choose from, but the best ones seem to have these characteristics: they are spacious and easy to access and figure out. The key is to decide which space you will be using before buying anything. For an open desk, metal rails for hanging folders work well. In a closet, portable file bins work well, and if you need to see your files, a desk organizer works well. Whatever you decide, consider using as much vertical space as you can.

The next step is to take inventory of your life through creating categories. Give big categories like Career, Medical, Car, Pet, House, Kids, etc. a big folder. You can add sub-categories to them as you go. If colour coding helps, choose certain colours for specific categories and consider using painter’s tape instead of labels at first, as it gives you more flexibility when adding/changing items.

  1. Keep a Recycling Bag by your Front Entrance

By having a place to recycle by your front entrance, you can avoid bringing unwanted paper into your home. Worried about the visual impact? Keep a reusable bag hanging in the hall closet. Whenever you leave home, grab the bag and recycle your unwanted paper! You may also want to put up a sign indicating “No flyers” outside your front door to prevent unwanted paper clutter.

  1. Create an “Action” Area for Key Papers

We often have paper items that require us to act, often by a certain deadline. Put all those papers – RSVPs, bills, sign-up forms — in one spot. They could be clipped onto a big message board, kept  in an “inbox” tray, or mail organizer or placed in a basket by the entrance. Whichever you choose, make sure to deal with it daily or bi-weekly. Otherwise, it will just become another pile of paper clutter.

  1. Use a Calendar

By adding your important events to a calendar system, you avoid having to keep the actual paper flyers, invitations, etc. A digital calendar works well, however, if you want a non-tech version, get a desk or wall calendar. Each time you get a piece of paper with event information on it, put it into the calendar and recycle the paper.

  1. Showcase Photos and Memorabilia

If you have sentimental photos or memorabilia stored under your bed, in your closet or in a box, consider choosing your favourites to showcase. Photos and paper items can be framed or put into an album or memory box.  They can also be scanned and made into a photo book. Often, people feel overwhelmed by their photos so hiring a professional organizer can help you enjoy your memories now!

  1. Store Paper Items in the Right Places

The key to creating effective organizing systems is deciding what goes where and ensuring things get put back in their place. For everyday papers, a go-to spot that is easy to see and act on is key. Sentimental items can be displayed in nice boxes or frames on bookshelves and bookcases; coupons can be kept in a binder; office supplies (notebooks, folders, stickies, printer paper) can be kept in clear labelled containers; and recipes can be kept in a binder in the kitchen.

  1. Prepare for Tax Time

Investing time and energy into creating a system for tax-related paperwork pays off in the long run. Using a binder, labelled accordion file folder or box, label and clip all your receipts by category and keep them in one place for that tax year. When it’s time to submit your tax return, all your papers will be in one place ready to be reviewed. Once your return is complete, shred the documents you are no longer required to keep. In Canada, this is 6 years, so once your 2019 return is complete, shred the contents in your 2013 folder.

The next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed about the accumulation of paper in your home, review these ten tips and know that if you need support to reduce paper clutter, we are here to help! Contact The Simply Home Downsizing Team at 416-819-1576 www.simplyhomeinc.ca


Why It’s So Hard to Let Go of our Stuff

These days it seems like many people are on board with the idea of decluttering, owning less, and living more intentionally. It all makes great sense! By decluttering and choosing what items we need and love, our lives become easier to manage and we feel calmer and less overwhelmed. The added benefits of saving money (no more replacements) and time (no more wasting time looking for things) also becomes clear once we have less.

So, What Gets in Our Way? What Reasons do we Give Ourselves that Hinder Our Progress?

One way to think about it is to reflect on why we own things in the first place. Historically, objects were tools that were required for day-to-day survival – you needed an axe to chop wood, a knife to cut up meat, and shovels to dig holes. However, as society progressed, the world became more plentiful, and objects started to play a different role. They helped us do what we needed to do AND helped us confirm our worth in society.

Owning certain objects became a way to communicate. If you had a radio, you were the connection for others and had the power to disseminate information quickly…so better get a radio fast. This evolved to include many more objects, as there is no limit to what we can buy. Today, we see how quickly and easily Amazon and others can fulfill our desire to own something. As this happens, we move from being in charge of our objects to letting them be in charge of us.

So, Why is it So Challenging to Limit how Many Objects We Have, and Let Go of the Ones We Don’t Need?

In his book, Goodbye Things, Fumio Sasaki talks about the many challenges that arise when we try to discard, declutter, and downsize. He talks about the need to develop this skill, over time, so that it becomes a habit. As with other skills, you don’t just wake up and decide to become a world-class skydiver, a master chef, or fluent in Finnish. It takes time. You don’t just wake up and decide to have less stuff; you have to build the skill. Often, in trying to build this skill, we get stuck and can’t complete the task.

Ten Reasons We Get Stuck and Can’t Discard, Declutter, and Downsize Effectively:

  • It was expensive
  • What if I need it in the future?
  • I feel guilty throwing it away
  • I feel ashamed that it hasn’t been used
  • One day it will fit/work/match
  • I feel like I am throwing away an important memory
  • My pride is preventing me from letting it go
  • I feel bad for the person who gave it to me
  • It’s not the right day/time/hour/season
  • It’s just easier to leave it as is

If any of these reasons resonate with you, you aren’t alone. They are all very convincing. They can seem like truly sensible reasons to hang on to belongings we no longer need, use, or even want. However, letting go requires courage, determination and patience – and perhaps some help along the way.

The path of least resistance is common among us humans, it keeps us safe and in service of the status quo.  

Ultimately, if we can shift our thinking, imagine the feeling upon completion, and take action, we can absolutely create more time, space, money, energy and freedom in our lives.

Either alone or with professional organizing support from Simply Home Downsizing, there is a way to have less to live more.

Let’s Connect

Whether you need to organize your own space, help a loved one move into a smaller home, or manage an estate clearing, our team of experienced professionals will guide you carefully and comfortably to your desired result. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

~ The Simply Home Downsizing Team


Create a Simplified Wardrobe You’ll Love

Is 2020 the year to create a wardrobe that you love, that lasts, and is a true expression of who you are? If so, it is possible to create a sustainable and exciting wardrobe by taking into account these five elements.

  1. Set Your Intention – Envisioning the Future

First, being as honest as you can, you’ll want to reflect on how you feel about your wardrobe right now. Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of clothes you own? Paralyzed by having to make daily wardrobe decisions? Guilty for not wearing what you have? All of these are common feelings to have when it comes to our wardrobes.

Now, envision how you want to feel after creating a wardrobe that suits you, your body, and your current lifestyle. Often, feeling more decisive, intentional, and excited about our clothing is a strong motivator for change. Specific examples include, “I will only keep, and wear clothing and accessories that make me feel confident and authentic” or, “I want to hang up all my clothes in one closet and never search for items again”.

  1. Acknowledging Rationalizations – This is Emotional!

Knowing how you want to feel, and look, is a great start, but we all know that rationalizations (aka excuses) are powerful forces that can easily sidetrack us. Just when we think we’re ready to let go, these “reasons” tend to get in the way of our purge:

  • This will fit when I lose weight
  • I should have one of these – doesn’t everyone?
  • This item cost a lot of money and I’ve barely worn it
  • This was a gift and I feel really guilty letting it go
  • This trend will come back one day, they always do
  • I’ll need this if I get invited to a special occasion
  • I may need this if I overuse/lose the “good” ones
  • It’s sentimental and part of my personal history
  • It’s something I wore before or may wear in the future
  • My child/cousin/friend might want it

These rationalizations can be very powerful saboteurs in our quest for less and must be addressed if we are going to cleanse our closets properly. It is best to acknowledge that our emotional attachment to our wardrobes can run deep, and it takes determination and commitment to work through these challenges to reach our goals.

  1. Implementing a Strategy – Time to Act!

Realize that you will have to overcome challenges inherent in a closet cleanse. Start your decluttering with an easy category such as socks. Gather all like items from ALL places in your home (i.e. gym bags, office, back door, closet) and put them into piles. Once you gain momentum, then move onto another category.

On your own or with someone else (non-judgmental is key!), hold up each item and ask yourself:

  • Do I like this?
  • Do I wear this?
  • Does it make me FEEL good?
  • If I didn’t own this already, would I buy it again? How much would I pay for it?

Decide if the item is for keep, donate, sell, consign, repair, return, etc. Have clear bags ready along with green tape and a sharpie for labelling. With your piles in place, ruthlessly decide what goes back into your closet and drawers. Then, donate unwanted clothes, plan a clothing swap, put returns in your car – do whatever  it takes to get the items out of your home without delay! Celebrate your progress and keep going!

  1. Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes are a popular topic lately, and it’s no wonder given our realization that having too many clothes and accessories can be extremely stressful. Creating a capsule wardrobe is a specific type of closet cleanse that involves clearing out unwanted or unused clothes and replacing them with a small number of highly versatile garments, that can be worn together.

As everyone has different tastes and needs, there are many ways to create a capsule wardrobe. However, these tips will help in any situation:

  • Decide on a number you can work with and choose clothes and accessories accordingly. i.e. choose 50 items to wear each season. Replace old pieces with new ones when needed.
  • If decluttering is difficult, put items in a “maybe box” and place the box out of sight for 1 to 3 months. If you haven’t needed, wanted or thought about the items after the time has passed, you can let go of them guilt-free, knowing you won’t miss or need them.
  • You can also try out a capsule wardrobe for a month or two. Put your other clothes out of sight and only use the clothes in your capsule. See how it feels after the time has passed and decide your next steps.

Do your best to only keep the things you love, hold happy or important memories for you, you wear often, feel good in and suit your personal style.

  1. Benefits

After deciding, sorting, decluttering, and letting go of clothing and accessories, hopefully you will feel some of these wonderful benefits:

  • Less decision fatigue because choosing what to wear becomes less stressful
  • More organized and clutter-free closets and drawers
  • Less spending money, more saving money!
  • Increased self-confidence knowing your wardrobe has been intentionally chosen
  • Regain control of your style and no longer be a slave to fashion trends
  • Increased self-confidence learning about your personal style

Whether you create a capsule wardrobe or simply declutter your closet, remember to be purposeful with your purchases so you add things to your wardrobe that will work well for you and you’ll wear often.

If you find that you could benefit from professional support, we are here to help! Please contact us for more information.


How Online Auctions Can Help A House Clearing

Imagine a home full of wonderful memories and meaningful experiences. Now imagine moving all the items supporting those memories and experiences. If you feel like this could be an overwhelming and stressful process, you are not alone. For many people downsizing, relocating or managing an estate, questions such as, “what do I do with all the stuff I no longer need or want?”, “how can I regain some of the costs of my valuable items?” and “how do I know the value of my belongings?” appear frequently.

Enter MaxSold, an online auction service that manages the sale of your items online.

What is MaxSold?

Founded in 1956 to meet the needs of people clearing a house, MaxSold manages the online sale of any items you no longer want or need. By providing an online portal for each individual sale, MaxSold takes away the stress of having to deal with hundreds of individual buyers over e-mail, phone and in-person like when you list things with Craigslist, Kijiji, Facebook, etc.  With MaxSold, you deal with one professional team from start to finish.

MaxSold says, “MaxSold believes that sellers deserve the transparency, ease of use, and profitability, and sellers should not have to be a technology expert, marketing expert or logistics expert in order to sell their goods.”

Not only is MaxSold a viable option for sellers, buyers also have online access to unique items in specific geographic locations that come from one home – from vintage to modern, furniture to figurines. The hope is that buyers will cherish their new treasures or give the items a new life by re-purposing or up-cycling.

The Managed Model

MaxSold has two sale models for sellers to choose from. The Managed model means MaxSold professionals take care of all photography, item cataloging, and supervising pickups. Fees are 30% + $700.

The Seller Managed Model

The Seller Managed model means that the seller is responsible for photographing, cataloging, and supervising pickup. Marketing is included and there are no up-front fees. The fee is the greater of $300 or 30%.

In both models, the MaxSold team is responsible for the auction hosting, online advertising, local marketing, notification to buyers, and collection of payments.  MaxSold will market your items and notify buyers (collectors, antique dealers, resellers and people looking for things to buy.

Once you decide which model you will be using, sellers or the Simply Home Downsizing team create “lots” of items to sell. These could be single-items (i.e. dining room table) or a collection of items that make sense being sold together (i.e. crock pot with a set of dishes). The goal is to maximize online sales by putting valuable or desirable items in different lots. Once the lots are created, photographs are taken and uploaded through the MaxSold cataloguing app to your unique seller’s page on the MaxSold website. The sale is launched (a 2-week period is suggested) and potential buyers begin to bid online.

Will Your Auction Actually Be Seen? Yes!

MaxSold advertises it’s online auctions through online classifieds, paid Facebook ads, social media platforms, estate sale websites, and more. According to their website, each MaxSold auction attracts between 10-50% new bidders who learned about it through targeted social media advertising and posts on Craigslist, Kijiji, Ebay, Auctionzip, Estatesales.net/org and more.

When a bidder registers and bids for an item in an auction, they submit their credit card information. Upon the auction close date, all successful bidders are notified, invoiced and their credit cards are processed. Taxes are collected and processed by MaxSold. Along with payment in the form of a single cheque or direct deposit, sellers will receive a full report of every item, how much it sold for, and any commission taken.

So how many items should you have? Based on the commission of 30%, having at least 50 lots makes the best sense – economically and timewise. Again, lots can include all kinds of home items – think garden tools, oil paintings, kids LEGO, or an entire bedroom set.

Benefits and Challenges of MaxSold


  • Quick turnaround (2 weeks) to sell decades of items
  • Ability to sell not just fine china, art and antiques, but everyday household items
  • Access to the “Quick-Worth finder” which shows every past item sold and its price
  • Minimum commissions that allow the sale of any items without judgement
  • Full view of the sale from start-to-finish, including detailed day-to-day reporting
  • Easy set-up, management, fee distribution, and turnaround for sellers and buyers


  • Finding time to sort through and catalogue your items into lots (Simply Home Downsizing can help!)
  • You cannot set a minimum bid on any item/lot – each lot starts at $1
  • Items cannot be removed from an auction once bidding has begun
  • You must accept the amount that your lot sells for – once an auction is set up, all sales are final
  • Unsold items are the seller’s responsibility. They can be given away or sold as-is to buyers coming to pick-up their paid items. (MaxSold claims their sell rate is nearly 100%.)

So how can you calculate the value of your crystal vases? Teak dinette set? Pinball machine? Record collection? Although there is no way to predict what an item will sell for, factors such as rarity, condition, and whether or not something is collectible and/or has a certificate of authenticity matter. MaxSold has a “Quick-Worth finder” which allows sellers to see every item that has been sold and for what price. This helps sellers gauge the value of their items.

If you are looking for a way to clear out a house quickly and thoroughly, while recouping the cost of some of your valuables, MaxSold is a viable option. At Simply Home Downsizing, we assist clients sorting and categorizing their items for a MaxSold online sale, often resulting in an easy-to-manage and positive experience for all involved. Please connect with us to learn more.