
Create a Simplified Wardrobe You’ll Love

Is 2020 the year to create a wardrobe that you love, that lasts, and is a true expression of who you are? If so, it is possible to create a sustainable and exciting wardrobe by taking into account these five elements.

  1. Set Your Intention – Envisioning the Future

First, being as honest as you can, you’ll want to reflect on how you feel about your wardrobe right now. Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of clothes you own? Paralyzed by having to make daily wardrobe decisions? Guilty for not wearing what you have? All of these are common feelings to have when it comes to our wardrobes.

Now, envision how you want to feel after creating a wardrobe that suits you, your body, and your current lifestyle. Often, feeling more decisive, intentional, and excited about our clothing is a strong motivator for change. Specific examples include, “I will only keep, and wear clothing and accessories that make me feel confident and authentic” or, “I want to hang up all my clothes in one closet and never search for items again”.

  1. Acknowledging Rationalizations – This is Emotional!

Knowing how you want to feel, and look, is a great start, but we all know that rationalizations (aka excuses) are powerful forces that can easily sidetrack us. Just when we think we’re ready to let go, these “reasons” tend to get in the way of our purge:

  • This will fit when I lose weight
  • I should have one of these – doesn’t everyone?
  • This item cost a lot of money and I’ve barely worn it
  • This was a gift and I feel really guilty letting it go
  • This trend will come back one day, they always do
  • I’ll need this if I get invited to a special occasion
  • I may need this if I overuse/lose the “good” ones
  • It’s sentimental and part of my personal history
  • It’s something I wore before or may wear in the future
  • My child/cousin/friend might want it

These rationalizations can be very powerful saboteurs in our quest for less and must be addressed if we are going to cleanse our closets properly. It is best to acknowledge that our emotional attachment to our wardrobes can run deep, and it takes determination and commitment to work through these challenges to reach our goals.

  1. Implementing a Strategy – Time to Act!

Realize that you will have to overcome challenges inherent in a closet cleanse. Start your decluttering with an easy category such as socks. Gather all like items from ALL places in your home (i.e. gym bags, office, back door, closet) and put them into piles. Once you gain momentum, then move onto another category.

On your own or with someone else (non-judgmental is key!), hold up each item and ask yourself:

  • Do I like this?
  • Do I wear this?
  • Does it make me FEEL good?
  • If I didn’t own this already, would I buy it again? How much would I pay for it?

Decide if the item is for keep, donate, sell, consign, repair, return, etc. Have clear bags ready along with green tape and a sharpie for labelling. With your piles in place, ruthlessly decide what goes back into your closet and drawers. Then, donate unwanted clothes, plan a clothing swap, put returns in your car – do whatever  it takes to get the items out of your home without delay! Celebrate your progress and keep going!

  1. Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule wardrobes are a popular topic lately, and it’s no wonder given our realization that having too many clothes and accessories can be extremely stressful. Creating a capsule wardrobe is a specific type of closet cleanse that involves clearing out unwanted or unused clothes and replacing them with a small number of highly versatile garments, that can be worn together.

As everyone has different tastes and needs, there are many ways to create a capsule wardrobe. However, these tips will help in any situation:

  • Decide on a number you can work with and choose clothes and accessories accordingly. i.e. choose 50 items to wear each season. Replace old pieces with new ones when needed.
  • If decluttering is difficult, put items in a “maybe box” and place the box out of sight for 1 to 3 months. If you haven’t needed, wanted or thought about the items after the time has passed, you can let go of them guilt-free, knowing you won’t miss or need them.
  • You can also try out a capsule wardrobe for a month or two. Put your other clothes out of sight and only use the clothes in your capsule. See how it feels after the time has passed and decide your next steps.

Do your best to only keep the things you love, hold happy or important memories for you, you wear often, feel good in and suit your personal style.

  1. Benefits

After deciding, sorting, decluttering, and letting go of clothing and accessories, hopefully you will feel some of these wonderful benefits:

  • Less decision fatigue because choosing what to wear becomes less stressful
  • More organized and clutter-free closets and drawers
  • Less spending money, more saving money!
  • Increased self-confidence knowing your wardrobe has been intentionally chosen
  • Regain control of your style and no longer be a slave to fashion trends
  • Increased self-confidence learning about your personal style

Whether you create a capsule wardrobe or simply declutter your closet, remember to be purposeful with your purchases so you add things to your wardrobe that will work well for you and you’ll wear often.

If you find that you could benefit from professional support, we are here to help! Please contact us for more information.