Want to Get…and Stay Organized? Use These 6 Simple Techniques

As we spend more time at home, many of us are anticipating using…

3 Ways to Flourish at Home This Fall

Do you hear the wind rustling? See more yellow, orange and red…
Decluttering and downsizing homes in Toronto by professionals Simply Home Inc.

Decluttering and Downsizing During COVID-19

As we continue to face the challenges and uncertainty associated…
Three things to do before you declutter your home - Decluttering and Organization services from Simply Home in Toronto

Ready to Declutter Your Home? Take These 3 Steps First

Feeling pressured to declutter your home during the COVID-19…

10 Ways to Reduce Paper Clutter in Your Home

Do you ever feel like you are drowning in paper? Are there bills,…
Declutter, COVID-19

Declutter & Organize to Feel Calmer When Uncertainty Strikes

With so much uncertainty, fear and change happening all around…

Why It’s So Hard to Let Go of our Stuff

These days it seems like many people are on board with the idea…

Create a Simplified Wardrobe You’ll Love

Is 2020 the year to create a wardrobe that you love, that lasts,…

How Online Auctions Can Help A House Clearing

Imagine a home full of wonderful memories and meaningful experiences.…

Embrace Your Inner Swede and Lagom Your Life

Do you ever feel like you have too much of some things and not…

How To Cope With Downsizing And Selling Your Beloved Possessions

Simply Home's Pauline was featured in an article by Toronto Storeys…

To Rent a Storage Unit or Not…That is the Question!

The comfort of consumption leads many of us to buy a lot of things;…