Image of someone organizing their bookshelf

3 Ways Successful Professionals Can Overcome Being Overwhelmed and Organize Their Homes

Many successful entrepreneurs, educators, creatives, and leaders wonder how they can thrive professionally yet feel overwhelmed and stuck when trying to organize their homes.

We don’t assume we can adjust our spines, create mortgages, or repair broken water pipes without training, so why is it different when it comes to organizing our living spaces?

As professional organizers, we often hear, “Why is it so hard to start? Why can’t I just do this? What’s wrong with me?”

Nothing is wrong with you!

You haven’t been trained to set up systems, structures, and supports (physical and mental) to help you declutter and organize your home, so no wonder you feel frustrated & overwhelmed.

3 ways to overcome that overwhelmed feeling that prevents you from successfully organizing your home:   

  1. Imagining how you’ll feel after making organizing progress 

Start by asking yourself, “What will an organized space LOOK and FEEL like? Then, take action.

PRO TIPS: Want to eat healthier? Imagine your pantry full of nourishing snacks. Want to relax more? Envision a calm reading space. Crave more simplicity? Imagine a streamlined home.

The power of your imagination cannot be underestimated – once you envision the change, your brain kicks into gear to support your intention.

  1. Starting easy, starting small  

To avoid feeling disappointed and dejected, not to mention exhausted, start with an organizing project that is not emotionally or physically demanding.

PRO TIPS: Instead of tackling an entire room or space, write out 3 goals on a sticky note, choose one category to organize, or declutter one drawer.

By starting with less emotionally taxing organizing tasks, your skills, confidence, and momentum will increase, which will make decision-making and moving forward easier.

  1. Kicking perfectionism to the curb  

Many derailed home organizing projects result from trying to be perfect. Let go of high expectations and trust that your efforts will pay off.

PRO TIPS: Live in a small condo? Use multifunctional structures and storage solutions. Cluttered creative? Set up specific workstations for your creative pursuits. Scattered online entrepreneur? Create a focused workspace.

To get and stay organized, your systems must align with your unique lifestyle and space.

For busy, successful professionals struggling to find organizational success at home (like they do at work), tapping into your imagination, starting simple and small, and letting go of perfectionism can lead to organizational success.  

For support in any of these areas, contact us at and we will help you set up systems, strategies, and supports to help you succeed.