Are Downsizing & Decluttering Emotional or Practical?

A friend recently asked me if the downsizing & decluttering process was more emotional or practical, which really made me think about possible responses. Which is it?

When you look at the actual process of managing your belongings and your space, you can break it down into clear practical steps:

  • unpacking
  • sorting
  • categorizing
  • deciding
  • organizing
  • managing the shift

And yes, clear containers, drawer dividers, and labels help keep belongings organized.

These are all very important steps along the journey to a more stream-lined and simpler way of life; and what we, as professionals, facilitate regularly. The result of this process is an overwhelming, “Wow, I feel relieved and so much lighter” and, “I feel a huge weight has been lifted off” to “I feel like I can manage so much better now.”

The results are emotional – it’s all about feeling transformed in some way. How one feels before and after this process are at the core of what this transformation is all about. Moving clients from feeling overwhelmed, embarrassed, and “heavy” to feeling more organized, in control, and “light” is our goal – and our expertise.

Simply Home Downsizing facilitates emotional shifts through a practical hands-on process.

Attachment to our belongings can be challenging to work through due to familial, financial, timing, health and other issues. These pressures can keep us from doing the very things we say we want to do – live with less, be more in control of our belongings, make more time for things that matter, etc.

Acknowledging that the downsizing/decluttering/organizing process is an emotional one first, and a practical one, second, is crucial. This process is so much more than clearing out closets and drawers, and requires deep reflection, understanding and conviction. It also requires that we suspend judgment and guilt, and recognize our necessary next steps.

This is not always easy to do and where Simply Home Downsizing comes in. Skilled support throughout the downsizing/decluttering/organizing process can be vital to its success. We recognize the need to provide emotional support while simultaneously applying our practical expertise. We ensure our process makes you feel more at home in every way.

Feeling ready to take on the emotional and practical challenge? Contact Us and let’s talk about it.

Author Jessica Tudos:

Having caught the organizational bug early on as an Olympic gymnast juggling training and school, Jessica is blending her skills as an experiential educator, facilitator and author with her organizing skills to amplify creativity and organization in people’s lives.